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So far Front Team has created 7 blog entries.

Ichiran Ramen: The Best Ramen in Japan

By |2022-10-10T11:45:10+09:00October 9th, 2022|Categories: Food Tips|Tags: , |

Japan is famous for its vast range of noodle dishes. Ramen, Soba, Udon, Yakisoba are at the top of the list. During your time in Japan, you will find a countless number of noodle restaurants (chain-store and privately owned). Some will have different tastes depending on the area, and some may even have completely different ingredients. [...]

5 Tips when Buying an ‘Omiyage’ Souvenirs for your Coworkers in Japan

By |2022-10-10T11:45:43+09:00October 7th, 2022|Categories: Work Life|Tags: , , |

Japan has an abundance of gift-giving situations throughout the year. There are gifts of money on occasions such as weddings and funerals, yearly seasonal presents for company clients and even obligations to buy souvenirs for your coworkers at work. For those living in Japan, you may agree with me that it feels like there are twice as [...]

Temple Sightseeing in Japan: Suzumushi Dera

By |2022-10-09T23:05:22+09:00October 6th, 2022|Categories: Travel Japan|

With the end of the year approaching quickly, you will find that people in Japan are busy preparing for the New year celebrations. Transportation such as the Bullet train and buses are full of people returning to their hometowns, shopping malls are swarmed with people shopping for New Years 'Osechi' lunch and in general more people [...]

Taking Off Shoes in Japan: Must Know Japanese Customs

By |2022-10-09T23:06:42+09:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: Japanese Culture|Tags: , |

I am sure that most people are aware of the Japanese custom of taking off shoes when entering a house. But what many foreign workers in Japan don't know is that there are MANY more situations! When you live and work in Japan, you will most likely be faced with a countless number of situations every [...]

What to Wear on Your First Day of School as an ALT

By |2022-10-09T23:06:03+09:00August 23rd, 2022|Categories: Work Life|Tags: , , |

Let's say that you are a freshly recruited ALT in Japan and you are getting yourself prepared for your first day of school. You have your notebook, pencil case, and a bag of omiyage souvenirs for your coworkers. The only thing left is to choose what to wear. Then you get hit with a wave of [...]

2 Basic Japanese Greetings to Help Build Relationships at Work

By |2022-10-10T11:49:34+09:00July 25th, 2022|Categories: Work Life|Tags: , |

Are you worried about how you are going to get along with your Japanese coworkers? Or maybe.. You are currently feeling out of the loop in your all-Japanese workplace? It is completely normal for a foreign worker to struggle with building relationships at work. In most cases it isn't as fast or as natural as it [...]